Words beginning with trans. This TRANS words reference page contains a list of words beginning with TRANS, organized by word length. The below online list of words that begin with trans might be useful for people who are taking classes in school leading to a degree, those who play word games, and visitors who enjoy education and learning or teaching about language and like to incorporate new words into their vocabulary.
7 letter words beginning with trans:
transes transit transom
8 letter words beginning with trans:
transact transbay transect transept transfer transfix tranship transmew transmit transude
9 letter words beginning with trans:
transcend transeunt transfixt transform transfuse transhape transient translate transmute transonic transpeer transpire transport transpose transship transvert
10 letter words beginning with trans:
transcolor transcribe transcript transducer transected transferal transferor transfused transgress transience transistor transition transitive transitory translator translucid translunar transmewed transmould transmutes transplant transpolar transposal transposed transsonic transudate transvalue transvenom transverse
11 letter words beginning with trans:
transaction transalpine transarctic transcalent transceiver transcended transdermal transeptate transferase transfigure transfinite transformer transfusers transfusion transhumant transilient translation translocate translucent transmarine transmedian transmittal transmitter transpadane transparent transpierce transponder transported transversal transverses
12 letter words beginning with trans:
transceivers transcendent transcending transcribing transcurrent transductant transduction transelement transference transformism transhipping transhumance transilience transitivism transitorily translatable translations transmigrant transmigrate transmission transmogrify transmontane transmundane transoceanic transpacific transparency transpicuous transponible transpontine transportees transportive transposable transudation transumption transversale transversals transvestite
13 letter words beginning with trans:
transatlantic transcendence transcribbler transcription transferrable transgression transhippings transistorize transliterate translocation transmarginal transmigrator transmination transmissible transmittance transmorphism transmutation transnatation transnational transparietal transposition transudations transumptions transurethral transvasation
14 letter words beginning with trans:
transcendental transempirical transformation transiliencies transmigratory transmittances transplanetary transportation transshipments transvestitism
15 letter words beginning with trans:
transequatorial transfiguration transgeneration transgressively transilluminate transimpression translationally transmissometer transphysically
16 letter words beginning with trans:
transcontinental transelementated transliterations transmateriation transmethylation transsegmentally transubstantiate
17 letter words beginning with trans:
transcendentalism transessentiating transformationist transistorization transmutabilities
18 letter words beginning with trans:
transcendentalisms transcontinentally transubstantiation
19 letter words beginning with trans:
Glad you visited this webpage containing TRANS words that begin with trans, and hopefully it helped you find the right 6 letter, 7 letters, 8, 9, 10, and even longer word beginning with TRANS.
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