Words that start with N

Lists of words starting with N including those most commonly written / spoken, definitions, part of speech, and a very long list arranged by word length. Also includes countries that start with N, household items that begin with N, and more. Skip to the section you’re interested in by using the Table Of Contents, or scroll down to see more n words.

Common / frequently used:

Top 10 most common written words ordered by frequency:
not no now new never number need name nothing night

Common written words in alphabetic order:
name need never new night no not nothing now number

Top 20 most common spoken N words by frequency:
not no now new never need nice night next name nothing nineteen number nine needs neat nobody needed negative nature

Glossary with part of speech and definition for the top 200 or so most frequently used N words:

nadir noun an extreme state of adversity; the lowest point of anything
nail noun horny plate covering and protecting part of the dorsal surface of the digits
naive adjective marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience
naivete noun lack of sophistication or worldliness
name noun a language unit by which a person or thing is known
nameless adjective being or having an unknown or unnamed source
namely adverb as follows
namesake noun a person with the same name as another
nan noun your grandmother
nanny noun a woman who is the custodian of children
nape noun the back side of the neck
napkin noun a small piece of table linen that is used to wipe the mouth and to cover the lap in order to protect clothing
narcissus noun bulbous plant having erect linear leaves and showy yellow or white flowers either solitary or in clusters
narcotic noun a drug that produces numbness or stupor; often taken for pleasure or to reduce pain; extensive use can lead to addiction
narrate verb provide commentary for a film, for example
narrow noun a narrow strait connecting two bodies of water
narrowness noun the property of being narrow; having little width
nascent adjective being born or beginning
nasty adjective offensive or even (of persons) malicious; ; ; ; ; ; – Ezra Pound
national noun a person who owes allegiance to that nation
nationality noun people having common origins or traditions and often comprising a nation
nationally adverb with regard to a nation taken as a whole
natural noun someone regarded as certain to succeed
naturalism noun (philosophy) the doctrine that the world can be understood in scientific terms without recourse to spiritual or supernatural explanations
naturalist noun an advocate of the doctrine that the world can be understood in scientific terms
naturalistic adjective representing what is real; not abstract or ideal
naturally adverb as might be expected
naturalness noun the quality of being natural or based on natural principles
nature noun the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized
nausea noun the state that precedes vomiting
nautical adjective relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen
nautilus noun a submarine that is propelled by nuclear power
naval adjective connected with or belonging to or used in a navy
nave noun the central area of a church
navel noun a scar where the umbilical cord was attached
navigable adjective able to be sailed on or through safely
navigation noun the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place
navy noun an organization of military vessels belonging to a country and available for sea warfare
nawab noun a governor in India during the Mogul empire
nay noun a negative
nearby adjective close at hand
neat adjective clean or organized
neatness noun the state of being neat and smart and trim
nebula noun a medicinal liquid preparation intended for use in an atomizer
necessarily adverb in an essential manner
necessitate verb require as useful, just, or proper
necessity noun the condition of being essential or indispensable
neck noun the part of an organism (human or animal) that connects the head to the rest of the body
necklace noun jewelry consisting of a cord or chain (often bearing gems) worn about the neck as an ornament (especially by women)
necktie noun neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front
necrosis noun the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply)
nectar noun a sweet liquid secretion that is attractive to pollinators
nee adjective (meaning literally `born’) used to indicate the maiden or family name of a married woman
need noun a condition requiring relief
needlework noun a creation created or assembled by needle and thread
needy noun needy people collectively
nefarious adjective extremely wicked
negation noun a negative statement; a statement that is a refusal or denial of some other statement
negligence noun failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances
negligent adjective characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern
negligible adjective so small as to be meaningless; insignificant
negotiable adjective capable of being passed or negotiated
negotiation noun a discussion intended to produce an agreement
neighbor noun a person who lives (or is located) near another
neither adjective not either; not one or the other
nematode noun unsegmented worms with elongated rounded body pointed at both ends; mostly free-living but some are parasitic
neon noun a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts
neonatal adjective relating to or affecting the infant during the first month after birth
neonate noun a baby from birth to four weeks
nephew noun a son of your brother or sister
nephritis noun an inflammation of the kidney
nerve noun any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body
nervous adjective easily agitated
nest noun a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young
nestling noun young bird not yet fledged
nether adjective lower
network noun an interconnected system of things or people
neuralgia noun acute spasmodic pain along the course of one or more nerves
neurologist noun a medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it
neurology noun the branch of medical science that deals with the nervous system
neuromuscular adjective affecting or characteristic of both neural and muscular tissue
neuropathy noun any pathology of the peripheral nerves
neurosis noun a mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction
neurosurgery noun any surgery that involves the nervous system (brain or spinal cord or peripheral nerves)
neurotic noun a person suffering from neurosis
neuter noun a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to inanimate objects (neither masculine nor feminine)
neutral noun one who does not side with any party in a war or dispute
neutrality noun nonparticipation in a dispute or war
neutralization noun action intended to keep a country politically neutral or exclude it from a possible war
neutralize verb make politically neutral and thus inoffensive
neutrino noun an elementary particle with zero charge and zero mass
neutron noun an elementary particle with 0 charge and mass about equal to a proton; enters into the structure of the atomic nucleus
neutrophil noun the chief phagocytic leukocyte; stains with either basic or acid dyes
never adverb not ever; at no time in the past or future
new adjective not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered
newcomer noun any new participant in some activity
newly adverb very recently
newness noun the quality of being new; the opposite of oldness
news noun information about recent and important events
newsletter noun report or open letter giving informal or confidential news of interest to a special group
newspaper noun a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements
newt noun small usually bright-colored semiaquatic salamanders of North America and Europe and northern Asia
niche noun a position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it
nickel noun a hard malleable ductile silvery metallic element that is resistant to corrosion; used in alloys; occurs in pentlandite and smaltite and garnierite and millerite
nickname noun a familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person’s given name)
nicotine noun an alkaloid poison that occurs in tobacco; used in medicine and as an insecticide
niece noun a daughter of your brother or sister
night noun the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside
nightgown noun lingerie consisting of a loose dress designed to be worn in bed by women
nightingale noun European songbird noted for its melodious nocturnal song
nightly adjective happening every night
nightmare noun a situation resembling a terrifying dream
nihil noun (Latin) nil; nothing (as used by a sheriff after an unsuccessful effort to serve a writ)
nihilism noun a revolutionary doctrine that advocates destruction of the social system for its own sake
nine noun the cardinal number that is the sum of eight and one
nineteen noun the cardinal number that is the sum of eighteen and one
nineteenth noun position 19 in a countable series of things
ninety noun the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine
ninth noun position nine in a countable series of things
nip noun a small drink of liquor
nipple noun the small projection of a mammary gland
nirvana noun (Hinduism and Buddhism) the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation; characterized by the extinction of desire and suffering and individual consciousness
nisi adjective not final or absolute
nitrate noun any compound containing the nitrate group (such as a salt or ester of nitric acid)
nitride noun a compound containing nitrogen and a more electropositive element (such as phosphorus or a metal)
nitrite noun the radical -NO2 or any compound containing it (such as a salt or ester of nitrous acid)
nitrogen noun a common nonmetallic element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless inert diatomic gas; constitutes 78 percent of the atmosphere by volume; a constituent of all living tissues
nitrogenous adjective of or relating to or containing nitrogen
no noun a negative
nobility noun a privileged class holding hereditary titles
nobly adverb in a noble manner
nocturnal adjective belonging to or active during the night
nod noun a sign of assent or salutation or command
node noun a connecting point at which several lines come together
nodular adjective relating to or characterized by or having nodules
nodule noun a small node
noise noun sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound)
noiseless adjective making no sound; – Shakespeare
noisily adverb with much noise or loud and unpleasant sound
noisy adjective full of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds
nomad noun a member of a people who have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons
nominate verb propose as a candidate for some honor
nomination noun the act of officially naming a candidate
nonchalance noun the trait of remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern
nondescript noun a person is not easily classified and not very interesting
none noun a canonical hour that is the ninth hour of the day counting from sunrise
nonfiction noun prose writing that is not fictional
nonpartisan noun a person who is nonpartisan
nonresident noun someone who does not live in a particular place
nonsense noun a message that seems to convey no meaning
nonspecific adjective not caused by a specific agent; used also of staining in making microscope slides
nonunion adjective not belonging to or not allowing affiliation with a trade union
nook noun a sheltered and secluded place
noon noun the middle of the day
norm noun a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical
normalize verb become normal or return to its normal state
normally adverb under normal conditions
northeast noun the compass point midway between north and east; at 45 degrees
northernmost adjective situated farthest north
nose noun the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals
nostalgia noun longing for something past
nostril noun either one of the two external openings to the nasal cavity in the nose
not adverb negation of a word or group of words
notary noun someone legally empowered to witness signatures and certify a document’s validity and to take depositions
notation noun a technical system of symbols used to represent special things
notch noun a V-shaped indentation
note noun a brief written record
notebook noun a book with blank pages for recording notes or memoranda
noteworthy adjective worthy of notice
nothing noun a quantity of no importance
nothingness noun the state of nonexistence
notice noun an announcement containing information about an event; ; ; “a notice of sale
noticeable adjective capable or worthy of being perceived
noun noun a content word that can be used to refer to a person, place, thing, quality, or action
nourish verb provide with nourishment
nous noun common sense
nova noun a star that ejects some of its material in the form of a cloud and become more luminous in the process
novel noun an extended fictional work in prose; usually in the form of a story
novelist noun one who writes novels
now noun the momentary present
nowhere noun an insignificant place
nowise adverb in no manner
noxious adjective injurious to physical or mental health
nozzle noun a projecting spout from which a fluid is discharged
nth adjective last or greatest in an indefinitely large series
nu noun the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet
nuance noun a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
nuclear adjective (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy
nucleotide noun a phosphoric ester of a nucleoside; the basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA)
nucleus noun a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction
nude noun a painting of a naked human figure
nudge noun a slight push or shake
nuisance noun (law) a broad legal concept including anything that disturbs the reasonable use of your property or endangers life and health or is offensive
nullification noun the states’-rights doctrine that a state can refuse to recognize or to enforce a federal law passed by the United States Congress
numb verb make numb or insensitive
number noun the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals
numeral noun a symbol used to represent a number
numerator noun the dividend of a fraction
numerous adjective amounting to a large indefinite number
nun noun a woman religious
nunnery noun the convent of a community of nuns
nurse noun one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
nursery noun a child’s room for a baby
nut noun usually large hard-shelled seed
nutmeg noun East Indian tree widely cultivated in the tropics for its aromatic seed; source of two spices: nutmeg and mace
nutriment noun a source of materials to nourish the body
nutrition noun (physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished; the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance
nutshell noun the shell around the kernel of a nut
nylon noun a thermoplastic polyamide; a family of strong resilient synthetic fibers
nymph noun (classical mythology) a minor nature goddess usually depicted as a beautiful maiden
nystagmus noun involuntary movements of the eyeballs; its presence or absence is used to diagnose a variety of neurological and visual disorders

Questions and Answers:

Q: What is the longest N word and how many letters does it have in it?
A: The word nonascertainableness is 20 letters long.

Q: What is the shortest word that starts with N?
A: The word “no” is only two characters long.

Q: What countries start with the letter N?
A: Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway.

Q: What are some household items / things / objects that start with N?
A: nightlight, nightstand

N words by number of letters:

More complete list, by word length:

2 letter words beginning with n:

no nu

3 letter words beginning with n:

naa nab nad nae nag nan nap nar nas nay neb nee net new nib nig nil nim nip nit nix nob nod nog nor not now nth nub nun nut nys

4 letter words beginning with n:

naif nail name naos nape narc nard nato nave navy nawt nays neal neap near neat neck neds need neet neif neon nerk ness nest nete nets neve news newt next ngai nice nick nide nied nigh nims nine nipa nirl nisi nock node noil noll nolo noma none nook noon

nope norm nose nosh nosy note noul noun nous nova nowt noys nude nuke null numb nuts

5 letter words beginning with n:

nabob nacho nacre nadir nagel nagor naiad naifs naive naked naker nance nancy nanny nappe nappy nares naris nasal nasty nasus natal natch nates natty naval navar navel navvy nawab neafe neals neath necia needs needy neele negus neigh nelis nelly neper neral nerdy nerks nerve nervy netty neume never nevus

newel newer newly newsy newts nexus niche nicks nided nides nidge nidus niece niffs nifle nifty night nigua nihil nikau nimbi ninja ninny ninon ninth nippy nisan nisei nisus niter nitid nitre nitro nitty nival nizam nobby noble nobly nodal noddy noded nodus noise noisy noles nomad nomen nonce nones nonet noose noria north

noser nosey notch noted notum novel noway nowch nowed noyau nudge nulla numen nurry nurse nutty nyala nylon nymph

6 letter words beginning with n:

nabobs nacred naevus nagami nagana nagual namely namers nanigo nanoid napalm napery napkin napper nardoo narial narrow nasion nataka natant nation natron natter nature naught naulum nausea nautch navars nayaur nearby nearly neaten nebbed nebula necked nectar nedder needle needly neeger negate negoce nekton nelson nemine nephew nepmen nerval nerves nestle

nether nettle neural neuron neuter newbie newing newish newses newton niacin nibble nicads nicety nickel nicker nidify niding niello nigged niggle nignay nikkud nilgai nimble nimbus ninety niobic nipper nipple nitent nitery nitter nitwit noance nobody noddle nodose nodule noesis noetic nofile nogaku noggin nomism nonage nonaid nonary nonego nonman nonyls noodle nooser

norite normal noshow nosine nosing nostoc nostos notary notate nothus notice notify notion nougat nought noumea novate novena novice novity novums nowder nowise noyade noyful nozzle nuance nubbin nubble nubbly nubian nubile nuclei nudism nudity nudnik nuggar nugget numbat numbed number numble numine numnah nuncio nuncle nunned nutlet nutmeg nutria nuzzle nyalas nylons nympha nympho

7 letter words beginning with n:

nabbers nabbing nabobry nacelle nadiral naether nagging naiades nainsel nairobi naivete namable namaqua nanisms nankeen naphtha nappers narciss narcoma narcose nardoos narrate narrows narthex narwhal nascent nasutes natator nations natural naughty naulage nauseam navally naveled navette naysaid nayward nearing neckers necking necktie necrose needful needles neftgil neglect negress neguses neither nellies

nematic nemesia nemesis nemning neolith neology neonate neoteny neotype nephron nepotic neritic nervers nervine nervous nervule neshest netleaf netsuke nettier netting network neuroma neuston neuters neutral neutron newborn newings newline newness newsing newsman niblick nickery nicotin nidulus niellos nifties nightie nightly nigrify nigrous nimbose nimiety nimrods ninepin niobium niobous nippers nipping nirvana nitency nitrate nitride nitrile nitrite nitroso nitrous

nitwits niveous nocktat noctule nocturn nocuous nodated nodical nodular nogging nointed noisily noisome nomadic nomarch nombles nombril nominal nominee nomisma nonagon nondeaf nondeep nonetto nongrey nonplus nonsane nonskid nonstop nonsuch nonsuit nonterm nonuses nonylic nooklet noonday noonlit noosers norites norland norming northen norther norwest nostril nostrum notable nothing noticer notions notself nounize nourish novella novelty novenae nowhere noxious noysome

nuances nubbled nuclear nucleic nucleon nucleus nuclide nudiped nudisms nudnick nullify nullism nullity numbers numbing numbles numeral numeric nummary nunatak nunhood nunnery nunship nuptial nursery nurture nutcake nutgall nutpick nutrice nutsier nutting nutwood nylghau nymphet nymphos

8 letter words beginning with n:

nacarine nacreous nacrites naething nailhead nailsets nainsook naissant namaskar namastes nameless namesake nametags nanobots naphthol naphthyl napiform napoleon narceens narceine narcosis narcotia narcotic narghile narratio nartjies nasalize nasonite natality natation natatory national nativism nativity naturism nauplius nauseant nauseate nauseous nautical nautilus navettes navicert navigate neatness nebbishe nebelist nebraska nebulise nebulize nebulose

nebulous neckband necklace neckline neckwear necropsy necrosed necrosis needless negaters negation negatron negligee negliges neighbor nematode neomycin neonatal neophyte neoplasm neoprene neoteric nepenthe nepotism nestings nestlike nestling netsukes nettings neuritis neurosis neurotic neutrino neutrons newcomer newlight newlywed newscast newsless newsreel nextdoor nextness niceling nickelic nicknack nickname nicotine nictates nidering nifesima niffnaff niggling nightcap nightish nightjar nigrosin nihilism nihility nimbuses

ninebark ninefold ninepins nineteen ninjitsu niobiums nitpicks nitramin nitrated nitrates nitrites nitrogen nitrolic nitrosyl nixtamal noachian nobelium nobility nobleman noblesse nocturne noesises noisette nomadize nomarchs nomarchy nominate nomology nonadult nonanoic noncaste nonclose nonelite nonesuch nonethyl nonhumus nonjuror nonlegal nonlucid nonmetal nonmoral nonnasal nonnoble nonpause nonrigid nonrural nonsense nontaxer nontaxes nontelic nontuned nonunion

nonvocal nonvoter nonzebra noontide noontime norlands normalcy normally northern northing noseband noseherb noselike nosogeny nosology nostrils notalgia notarial notarize notation notchier notebook notecase notional notitias notornis noumenon nounally novation novelant novelist novelize novenary novercal nowadays nubbiest nubbling nubilous nucellus nuclease nucleate nucleins nudicaul nugatory nuisance numbered numbfish numerant numerary numerate numerous numinism numinous nummular numskull nunnated nuptials nuraghes

nursling nutarian nutation nutbrown nuthatch nuthouse nutrient nutshell nystatin

9 letter words beginning with n:

nailbrush nailprint naiveties nameplate nanotesla narcissan narcissus narcistic narcotics narcotism narcotize narghiles narration narwhales nascences naseberry natheless natricine naturally naumachia navalisms navelwort navicular navigable navigator nazarenes nazifying nebenkern nebulised nebuliums necessary necessity neckbeefs neckcloth neckpiece necrology necrotomy nectarine nectarous neediness needleful nefarious negligent negotiant negotiate nematodes nematogen nemertean nenuphars neodymium neoholmia

neologism neologize neophobia neophobic neophytes neoplasty neoterism neoterize neotoxins nepheline nephelite nephogram nephology nephritic nephritis nephroses nephrosis nepotisms neptunium nervature nerveless nescience networker neuralgia neurochip neuroglia neurogram neurology neuropath neuropile neurotomy neutretto nevelling nevermass nevermind nevermore newnesses newshound newspaper newspeaks newsprint newssheet newsstand nialamide niccolite nickelage nickelise nickelous nicotiana nicotinic nictitate niddering nielloing

niftiness nightclub nightfall nightglow nightgown nighthawk nightjars nightless nightlong nightmare nightspot nighttime nightwear nigritude nigrosine nihilisms nimbyisms nineholes ninetieth nitramine nitratine nitriding nobbiness noctiluca nocturnal nodulated noiseless nomograph nonassent nonbiting nonbitter nonbulbar noncadent noncoming noncompos nondrying nonechoic nonending nonentity nonghetto nonhearer nonillion nonjuries nonkosher nonliving nonlocals nonpareil nonparous nonpluses nonpoetic nonprofit nonpueblo nonrescue nonsanely nonsenses nonserial nonskater nonskiers nonsmoker

nonsocial nontarget nontenant nontropic nonunique nonunited nonusable nonvacant nonvalent nonvalued nonviewer nonvirtue nonvolant nonvoting noontides noonwards noreaster normalize northeast northerly northerns northward northwest norwester nosebleed noseguard nosepiece nosewheel nostalgia nostology notandums notemigge notepaper notidanid notionist notochord notorious noumeaite noumenona novations novelette noveletty novelised novelties novendial novennial noviciate novitiate nowhither nownesses nucleolar

nucleolus nullbiety nullifies nullipore numberful numbskull numerable numerably numerator numerical nummulary nummulite numskulls nuncupate nursemaid nursingly nutjobber nutrilite nutriment nutritial nutrition nutritive nuttiness nymphalid nymphitis nymphwise nystagmus nystatins

10 letter words beginning with n:

nabobishly nanosecond narcissism narcolepsy narcotisms narcotists narrowings narrowness nasalwards nasologist nasturtium natatorial natatorium naticiform nationally nationwide natrolites natterjack naturalism naturalist naturalize nauseating nautophone navelworts navigation nebenkerns nebulosity necrolatry necromancy necrophile necrophobe necropolis necroscopy necrotomic nectareous needlefish needlelike needlework negativism neglectful neglectors negligence negligible negotiable negrophile neighborly neoclassic neographic neorealism neoterises neoterisms

nephalisms nephograph nephoscope nephralgia nephridium nephrolith nephrotomy nervations nethermost nettlesome neumatizce neuralgiac neurectomy neurectopy neurilemma neuroblast neurocoele neurogenic neuropathy neuroptera neurospasm neurotoxic neutralism neutrality neutralize neutrophil newfangled newsbreaks newsdealer newsletter newsmonger newsworthy newswriter nibblingly nickpoints nicotinism nidderings nidicolous nidifugous nifedipine nightdress nightgears nightglass nightrider nightshade nightshirt nightstick nightstool nigrescent nigrosines nincompoop nineteenth ninetieths nipperkins nisberries nitranilic

nitroamine nitrometer nivernaise noblewoman noctilucal noctuiform noegenesis noisemaker nominalism nomination nominators nomography nomologist nomothetic nonactinic nonaddicts nonaligned nonanalogy nonbending nonboiling nonbookish noncaustic nonchalant noncircuit nonclasses nonclerics nonclosure nondrivers nondumping nonelector nonenzymic nonequable nonesuches nonethical nonferrous nonfiction nonflakily nonfluidic nonfreeman nongolfers nongravity nonheinous noniodized nonjoinder nonlicking nonliquids nonmelting nonnuclear nonpayment nonpelagic nonrealism nonretinal nonrousing nonruinous nonseizure nonsensual

nonsimular nonsmokers nonsuccess nonsuction nontrading nonunified nonutopian nonvalidly nonvectors nonverdict nonviscous nonvisible nonwinning nonworkers noodlehead noospheres nordenfelt normalised northbound northeasts northernly northwards nosography nosologist nosophobia nostomania notability noteworthy notharctid noticeable notionable notodontid notommatid nourishing novaculite novelistic novicehood novobiocin nucleoloid nucleonics nucleoside nucleotide nudibranch nugacities numberless numerating numeration numerology nunciature nuncioship nuncupated nurseryman nutcracker nutritious nyctalopia nymphotomy

11 letter words beginning with n:

nabobically nakednesses nalorphines nameability naphthalene nappinesses narcissists nasopharynx nationalism nationalist nationality nationalize naturalized naturalizes naturalness naturopathy nautiliform navigations neanthropic nearsighted nearthrosis necessarian necessaries necessarily necessitate necessitous neckerchief necrobioses necrobiotic necrophagia necrophilia necrophobia necropoleis needfulness needlecraft needlepoint needlestone needlewoman negationist negativists negotiation neighboress neighboring neighbourly nematicidal nematicides neoliberals neopaganism nephelinite nephphridia nephralgies

nephrectomy nephritical nephritises networkings neurenteric neuroclonic neurologist neuroticism neuroticize neurotoxins neutralises neutralized neutrophile newscasting newsmongery newspersons niacinamide nickelodeon nicotinized nightingale nightstands nightwalker nikethamide ninnyhammer nitraniline nitrogenize nitrogenous nitrophenol nitrosamine nobbinesses noctilucent noctilucine noctivagous nomenclator nominalizes nonabsolute nonaccruing nonaddicted nonadhering nonadorning nonaffinity nonallergic nonanarchic nonapproval nonazotized nonbailable nonbasement nonbeliever nonbotanist noncadenced nonchalance nonchemical nonciteable noncoloring noncoplanar noncortical noncreation noncreeping noncurdling

nondefiance nondeformed nondescript nondesigned nondiabetic nondiligent nondisabled nondiseased nonearnings nonefficacy nonenforced nonesoteric nonetheless nonextended nonfamilial nonfascists nonfeasance nonfeverous nonfinitely nonflexibly nonfluidity nonfriction nonfungible nonguidable nonhesitant nonhormonal noninfected nonirritant nonjoinders nonliteracy nonlustrous nonmaterial nonmetallic nonmeteoric nonmortally nonnational nonnautical nonnebulous nonnegation nonobedient nonparallel nonpartisan nonpatented nonportable nonpregnant nonprobable nonproducer nonpungency nonpuristic nonreasoner nonreceipts nonrecourse nonrecurent nonremedial nonresident nonrustable nonscraping nonsensible

nonsensuous nonsimulate nonsocially nonspalling nonspecific nonstandard nonstarters nonstriated nonsuburban nontonality nonunionism nonurgently nonvalorous nonviolable nonviolence nonweakness nornicotine northeaster northerlies northernise northlander northwester nostalgists notaphilism nothingisms nothingness notochordal notungulate nourishment novelwright nowhereness nucleolated nucleolinus nucleoplasm nucleosomal nullifidian numismatics numismatist nurserymaid nursetender nycteribiid nyctophobia nympholepsy nymphomania

12 letter words beginning with n:

naphthalised narcolepsies nasoccipital nasopalatine nationalisms naturalistic naturalizers navigability necrophilism nectriaceous neighborhood neighborless nematocerous nematocystic nematodiasis nematophyton nemoricoline nemoricolous neovitalisms nephelometer nephropexies nephrotomize nesslerising nesslerizing netherworlds neurasthenia neurasthenic neurodynamic neurogenesis neurogrammic neurosurgery neuroticisms neurotrophic neutralising nevertheless newfashioned newsmagazine newspaperdom newspapering newspaperman nidification nightclubbed nightclubber nightdresses nightwalking nimbostratus ninnyhammers niphablepsia nitrobenzene noctambulism noctambulous

nomenclators nomenclature nomenklatura nominalistic nomographies nomophyllous nonabolition nonabstracts nonaccedence nonaddresser nonadjustive nonaffecting nonagenarian nonalcoholic nonalignment nonamendable nonanguished nonappealing nonappendant nonarguments nonascendant nonascendent nonascetical nonassertion nonassistant nonauthentic nonautomated nonbreathing nonbuoyantly noncelestial noncertified nonchalantly noncharacter nonchemicals nonchokebore noncircuital noncolloidal noncollusion noncombatant noncommittal noncompetent nonconcurred noncondiment nonconductor noncountries nondamnation nondefection nondeferable nondefiantly nondeformity nondelirious nondemocracy nondepletion

nondepravity nondesignate nondeviation nondexterous nondiastasic nondiffusing nondisparity nondomestics noneagerness noneccentric noneffective nonelusively nonemulation nonenactment nonessential nonevincible nonexactable nonexemption nonexistence nonexpansive nonexplosive nonexpulsive nonextempore nonextortive nonextracted nonfactually nonfeelingly nonfelonious nonfictional nonflammable nonfrigidity nongerundial nongerundive nonhackneyed nonharmonies nonheinously nonhospitals nonhubristic nonidentical noninducible noninfecting noninfection noninflected nonjurantism nonlanguages nonlibrarian nonlinearity nonmalarious nonmutuality nonnecessary nonnegligent

nonnicotinic nonnutriment nonobedience nonobjective nonobsession nonobsessive nonparochial nonpearlitic nonpenalized nonpertinent nonpoisonous nonpolemical nonponderous nonpotential nonprobation nonprominent nonprovident nonprudently nonpunishing nonpursuance nonradiation nonrealistic nonrejoinder nonrelenting nonresistant nonretentive nonrevertive nonromantics nonsaturated nonscheduled nonscholarly nonschooling nonsectarian nonsensitive nonseriately nonsiliceous nonsimilarly nonsociality nonsparkling nonspecified nonstatutory nonsubmerged nonsuccesses nonsymmetric nonsymphonic nonsyndicate nontolerance nonvacancies nonveritable nonverminous nonvibration nonviolation nonwondering northernmost nosebleeding

notaphilists nothosaurian notification notoungulate nucleotidase nutritionist nuttalliasis nymphomaniac

13 letter words beginning with n:

narcoanalysis narcohypnotic nebulisations necromantical nemathelminth neoclassicism neologization neoplasticism nephrogastric nephrolepises nephrostomous neurhypnotist neurodendrite neuromuscular neurovascular neurovisceral newfanglement niccoliferous nickeliferous nicotinamides nidifications nitrification nitrobacteria nitrobenzenes nitrogenising nitroglycerin nitroparaffin nitrosulphate noctiluminous nocuousnesses nonabjuratory nonabsorbable nonabsorbents nonabsorptive nonadjustable nonadvertency nonaggression nonalcoholics nonalignments nonamazedness nonamphibious nonappearance nonarchitects nonarithmetic nonascription nonassignable nonatomically nonattendance noncapitalist nonchangeable nonchauvinist

noncircuitous noncoalescent noncollective noncollectors noncomicality noncommorancy noncompetitor noncompliance noncompulsive nonconcessive nonconduction nonconficient nonconfidence nonconformers nonconformist nonconformity noncongruency nonconjugally nonconnective nonconnivence noncontiguity noncreditable nonculturally nondecisively nondelegation nondelicately nonderogation nondescriptly nondigestible nondispersion nondissenting nondistortive nondivergency nondocumental nondominating noneconomists nonecumenical nonelectronic nonempiricism nonengagement nonequability noneradicable nonesterified nonevidential nonexculpable nonexhibition nonexotically nonexportable nonextinction nonextraction nonfeverously nonfilterable nonforfeiture nonfortifying nonfraudulent nonfugitively nonfuturition nongovernance nongratifying nonhappenings

nonhedonistic nonhemophilic nonincestuous nonindictable noninfallibly noninfluences nonironically nonjudicatory nonliberation nonlicensable nonlustrously nonmeaningful nonmembership nonmercearies nonmetrically nonmilitarily nonmonarchist nonmuscularly nonmystically nonnourishing nonobservance nonoccurrence nonopposition nonoxidizable nonpapistical nonpercipient nonperformers nonperishable nonperpetuity nonpliability nonpliantness nonplussation nonporousness nonprejudiced nonproductive nonprojection nonprotection nonpurulently nonqualifying nonrebellious nonredeemable nonrefracting nonrefundable nonrepairable nonreparation nonreportable nonrepressive nonresidenter nonresistance nonresolvable nonreturnable nonrhythmical

nonsacredness nonsalutarily nonscientific nonscriptural nonsentiently nonseparatist nonseraphical nonsimilarity nonsimulation nonsinusoidal nonskeletally nonsocialness nonspatiality nonspectrally nonstrictured nonsubversive nonsufferance nonsupporting nonsusceptive nonsustenance nontarnishing nontemperable nontheatrical nontheistical nontransiency nontransitive nonundulatory nonvalidities nonvillainous nonvolubility nonwatertight noradrenergic northeasterly northeastward northwesterly northwestward noteworthiest nothingarians nucleoprotein nullification numerableness numismatology nunnishnesses

14 letter words beginning with n:

narcosynthesis navalistically nebularization negotiatresses neoclassicists neocolonialism neonatologists neophilologist neoplasticists nephrectomised neurapophysial neurochemicals neurochemistry neuroepidermal neuroparalytic neuropsychical neuropterology neuroradiology neutralization newfangledness newspaperwoman nitroprussiate nonaccountable nonacquiescing nonacquisitive nonappointment nonassentation nonbelligerent nonbindingness noncalculating noncapitalized noncataclysmal noncharismatic nonclarifiable noncoagulating noncoincidence noncollapsable noncommunistic noncommunities noncompetently nonconcludency nonconcurrence nonconferrable nonconformance nonconformists nonconsciously noncontingency noncontrariety nonconvergence nonconvergency nonconversancy

nonconvertible nonconvertibly noncooperation noncooperators noncorrelation noncrustaceous nondeductively nondefensively nondeprecating nondeprivation nondeterminism nondeterminist nondevelopable nondisjunction nondisparaging nonduplication nonefficiently nonegotistical nonelucidating nonephemerally nonequivalence nonerratically noneternalness nonethereality nonevaporating nonevaporation nonexcessively nonexhortation nonexpectation nonfashionably nonfilamentous nonflirtatious nonfulfillment nongovernments nonhouseholder nonignominious nonincreasable noninductively nonindulgently noninhabitancy noninstinctual noninstructive nonintoxicants nonintuitively noninvidiously nonliteralness nonmaintenance nonmartialness nonmasculinity nonmelodiously nonmillionaire nonnomadically nonodoriferous

nonparadoxical nonparochially nonperformance nonpersecuting nonpersistency nonphosphorous nonpictorially nonportrayable nonpracticably nonpresciently nonproletarian nonprominently nonprosaically nonpurchasable nonpurgatorial nonrationalist nonrecognition nonreformation nonreliability nonremembrance nonresponsibly nonrestitution nonrestrictive nonretardation nonretroactive nonseclusively nonsensitivity nonservileness nonsingularity nonsocialistic nonspecificity nonsubjugation nonsymbiotical nontelegraphic nonuprightness nonutilitarian nonvagrantness nonvendibility nonviolability normalisations northeastwards northwestwards nucleoproteins numismatically nyctaginaceous nyctipithecine

15 letter words beginning with n:

naturalizations necessitousness necromantically nefariousnesses neighbourliness neoarsphenamine neurodermatitis neurolinguistic neurophysiology neuropsychiatry nitrochloroform nitrosobacteria nitrosochloride nociassociation nonaccompanying nonadaptability nonadaptational nonadditivities nonadjudication nonascertaining noncalumniating noncommittalism noncompensatory nonconclusively nonconscription nonconstraining nonconstructive noncontemptible noncontributory nonconviviality noncorrectively noncotyledonary nondebilitating nondecisiveness nondefeasibness nondegeneracies nondepreciating nondepreciation nondisbursement nondiscursively nondisingenuous nondivergencies nondivisiveness nonempathically nonengineerings nonequilibriums nonequivalently nonethnological noneuphoniously nonflexibleness nonfluorescence

nonhabitability nonhallucinated nonillumination noninterference nonintervention nonintrusionism nonmeteorologic nonmethodically nonofficeholder nonperceptional nonpestilential nonphilological nonphotographic nonpopulousness nonprecedential nonprescriptive nonpreservation nonprocessional nonprofessional nonprotestation nonreconcilably nonrecuperatory nonrefractively nonregenerating nonremonstrance nonresolvabness nonrestrictedly nonretractation nonsaccharinity nonsculpturally nonsemantically nonstandardized nonsuggestively nontangentially nontragicalness nontranscribing nonuniformities nonutilitarians nonvendibleness nonviolableness nonvirtuousness nonviruliferous nonzoologically nosographically noticeabilities notwithstanding numismatologies

16 letter words beginning with n:

nanoinstructions nationalisations necessitarianism neoimpressionism neurocirculatory neuropsychopathy nonanonymousness nonatmospherical nonattributively noncannibalistic noncasuistically noncertification nonchromatically noncoagulability noncomplaisantly noncomplementary nonconsecutively nonconsideration noncorroborating noncorrosiveness nondeciduousness nondeductibility nondescriptively nondigestibility nondisinterested nondistinguished nonelectrocution nonerroneousness nonexistentially nonfundamentally nonhallucinatory nonimpressionist noninfallibility noninstitutional noninterferingly noninterpolating noninterpolation noninterposition nonmischievously nonnutritiveness nonorthogonality nonparticipating nonparticipation nonphrenetically nonpreferability nonprovisionally nonpurposiveness nonqualification nonrectangularly nonsatiricalness nonsignificantly

nonsubstantively nonsymbiotically nonveraciousness

17 letter words beginning with n:

narrowheartedness neoconstructivist nitrosylsulphuric nonabstractedness nonaltruistically nonapologetically nonauthentication nonburdensomeness noncollectivistic noncombustibility noncomprehensions noncondensibility noncongratulatory noncontagiousness noncontemporaries nonconterminously nonconversational noncreditableness nondiscriminatory nondiscursiveness nondissipatedness nondistributional nonextinguishable nonfactitiousness nonfastidiousness nonflammabilities nongregariousness nonhypostatically noninfallibleness nonlicentiousness nonmeasurableness nonmetaphysically nonmeteorological nonpharmaceutical nonphotographical nonpreferableness nonprofessionally nonprofessorially nonproscriptively nonreasonableness nonsanctification nonscholastically nontelepathically nonterritoriality

18 letter words beginning with n:

neuroembryological neurotransmissions noncarnivorousness noncommunistically noncompressibility nondeleteriousness nondiscriminations nonexemplification nongravitationally noninstructiveness noninterdependence nonnationalization nonobjectification nonperceptibleness nonpracticableness nonproblematically nonsophisticalness nonstandardization nonsubstantiveness

19 letter words beginning with n:

neuroleptanalgesias nonadvantageousness nonadventitiousness noncapitalistically noncontributiveness nondenominationally nondisputatiousness nondistributiveness nonhistrionicalness nonorthographically nonrepresentational nonsurrealistically nontransportability

20 letter words beginning with n:


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